Vision Care | Nordlandsvej 86 | DK-8240 Risskov |
Danmark/Norge: Tlf. +45 86 27 17 66 | Sverige: +46 020 795045
Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) is the patented technology by the Brien Holden Vision Institute to provide optimal vision for a wide range of viewing distances.
EDOF lenses were designed using deliberate manipulation of higher order aberrations to provide good vision at all viewing distances, minimising unwelcomed visual compromises like ghosting and haloes.
This optical design in conjunction with the optics of wearer’s eye provides an image on the retina of the corrected eye that remains above an acceptable retinal image quality threshold continuously across a range of visual distances, from far to near.
Tekniske data:· Sph. RX +18.00 / - 18,00 |