Vision Care | Nordlandsvej 86 | DK-8240 Risskov |
Danmark/Norge: Tlf. +45 86 27 17 66 | Sverige: +46 020 795045
Contact lens wearers can now look forward to better lens protection and comfort all day long with the launch of Menicons latest lens care solution SOLO-care AQUA™. 80% of contact lens wearers* contaminate their lens cases by rinsing with tap water. Are you one of them? No matter how much of a hurry you are in, the health of your eyes isn't something you should compromise. Introducing SOLO-care AQUA™, the first multi-purpose solution that comes exclusively with the unique MicroBlock™ anti-bacterial lens case. Do you wear your contact lenses for more than 9 hours*? Most people do, and this resulting in greater end-of-day dryness when eyes are exposed to extreme environments such as air-conditioned rooms and smoky places, or after long hours in front of the computer. New SOLO-care AQUA™ ensures all day wearing comfort with its exceptional HydroLock™ Moisturizing Effect The Hydrolock™ Effect: Enjoy enhanced all day wearing comfort with HydroLock™ formulation: The Micro block™ Effect Improve the safety of your contact lenses with MicroBlock™. Infused with antimicrobial silver ions throughout the case and lens cap, MicroBlock™ kills bacteria on contact but also prevents the growth of new ones.Your eyes are healthier as they stay better protected. Using SOLO-care AQUA™ SOLO-care AQUA™ can be used to clean, disinfect and store all soft contact lenses. It works in two different ways: 5-minute express option (rub and rinse) No rub / No rinse option (soak lenses for at least 4 hours or overnight) SoloCare Aqua leveres i 1 x 360ml måneders pakker som indeholder 1 antibakterielt linseetui (sølvion) Prøvepakninger leveres i 90 ml. |
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