Vision Care | Nordlandsvej 86 | DK-8240 Risskov |
Danmark/Norge: Tlf. +45 86 27 17 66 | Sverige: +46 020 795045
Miru 1month Menicon with MeniSilkTM and NanoglossTM Technology represents a world-class silicone hydrogel contact lens. With its unique and highly refined surface technology, Miru 1month Menicon makes it safer and cleaner to wear contact lenses.
MeniSilk™ – unique polymerisation system:
An innovative monomer formulation with an advanced polymerisation system:
Outstanding oxygen permeability
Exceptional moisture level
High degree of transparency
Resistance to lipid deposition:
Miru 1month Menicon has a greater resistance to lipid deposition in comparison to other popular silicone hydrogel contact lenses. The high lipid resistance has the advantage that discomfort, visual disturbances, irritation of the cornea and contamination of the contact lens can be prevented.
Source: Menicon data on file
Method: SiHLs were immersed in 1.5 mL molten Pharmasol* for three hours at 60°C and rubbed with MeniCare Soft multipurpose solution (Menicon) 20 times.
Subsequently, lipid deposition resistance was visually assessed at room temperature.
*Pharmasol, a wax-like compound, was used as a marker for lipid deposition.
High oxygen transmissibility:
The Miru 1month Menicon silicone hydrogel contact lens has one of the highest levels of oxygen transmissibility (Dk/t 161 mmHg) of any lens that is currently available commercially.
Furthermore, Menicon has focused on a material and lens design combination that provides a constantly higher level of average oxygenation across the entire corneal surface. Such attention to balancing design and material is key to providing a safer lens-wearing experience.
Recomended Lenscare solution:
Tekniske data:· Sph. RX + 6.00/ -13.00 (0.25 D step fra + 6/-6 - 6.50 til - 13.00 0.50 D step) |